Originally published by SDVoyager.com in April 2023
Today we’d like to introduce you to Shelley Simpson.
Hi Shelley, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start, maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers.
Raised by an accountant and an artist, I possess a creative pragmatic approach to life and work. My creative perspective is open to innovation and risk-taking and does not fear the word “failure.” At the same time, my myopic pragmatic side is endlessly focused on real-life results and applications. A colorful example is how I used to commute by bike in San Francisco because I was too poor to buy a car. As a scrappy Gen X’er, I didn’t see the value in paying for a car when I could easily use public transit or my bike to travel faster. That was the pragmatic side. On the other hand, my creative side refused to quell her fashion choices: I often rode in high heels.
Small & Mighty Marketing rose from the economic downturn of 2008. Having been laid off three times in three years (including moving to a different state for a position), I woke up the day after the final layoff (January 1, 2013) in a lightbulb moment: Work for the Little Guy! Start my own small business, helping other small businesses thrive… Read the full article here.